Torchbearers for Christ
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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2007 - A Year of REST

Happy New Year! We believe that God has enabled you enter into this great year in peace, with joy and thanksgiving. We are grateful for He has done so for us and He is promising us great things this year. It will be an unusual year, a memorable year. Be expectant. My wife and I are expectant.


Friend, this year, 2007, will be a Year of REST.


Hebrews 4:4 says “For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.”


Friend, God rested on the seventh day from all His works. He rested because He had completed that which He had been doing. I see God releasing uncommon rest your way this Year. Some things that you had never completed because of one thing or another, I see God, enabling you to tie the loose ends so you may enjoy a restful year. Yes, Rest. Rest from unnecessary toiling. Rest from constant worries. Rest from anxieties. Yes, Rest from sickness and diseases, even from those persistent diseases for which doctors have lost hope. Yes, rest from false relationships and deception. Rest from evil taskmasters, evil bosses, evil supervisors, evil business partners etc. Rest from nagging children, disobedient children. Rest from generational curses. THE LORD, The Giver of Rest, is coming your way this Year to release HIS Rest. Receive it in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. 
Friend, God is releasing an uncommon anointing that will enable you complete every task that HE has for you. That college degree, that course, that house, that book, the research, the play, the business investment, the orphanage etc, Whatever it is that God has called you to complete. I call for the heavens to release supernatural anointing that will enable you complete every assignment, that you have embarked on, so that you may step into HIS GLORIOUS REST.


“Come unto me all ye that labor and I will give you REST.” This is Jesus calling. This year, heed His call. He has an extraordinary plan for you to step into His rest. Every Month of this year, position yourself to step into His Rest. May His great plan for you come to pass this year in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Friend, every ungodly labor that the enemy has released your way shall not bear fruit in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.



Lord, you say in your Word that you catch the crafty in their own craftiness and cause their hands to achieve no success,”. May every evil scheme against us this year be destroyed and may Rest replace it, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. God, we embrace REST, Rest in Our Mind, Rest for our Families, Rest for our Friends, Rest in our Ministries, Rest in our Finances, Rest, at our place of Work etc. Father, we decree that our chores, our pains, are being replaced by a season of REST. God thank you for turning, our mourning into dancing, our sorrow into joy and all situations that would trouble us, to testimonies to Your glory, Amen.


Friend, remember the enemy can sense that 2007 is your season of rest. You must war, contend and claim your rest in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


How far can you see? How much rest can you see yourself enjoying? According to your vision, according to your faith, receive REST in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


Friend, I wish you a REST-FULL 2007.


Bro Chester

Last Month's Monthly Online Word