Torchbearers for Christ
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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A Month of Prayer & Fasting

Friend, Happy New Year! May all that God has packaged for you this year come to pass in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. My wife and I are thankful to God who has protected us and has allowed us to see this second month of 2010, A Month of Prayer & Fasting.
Friend, last year God prompted us to pray and fast in the month of February. I sense the same this February 2010. For us, February 2010 will be, A Month of Prayer and Fasting.
In Mark 9 we read of an incident when Jesus found His disciples having difficulty casting a demon out of a possessed child; Later, He told them "this kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting" Mark 9:29.
Friend, in this Month of Prayer and Fasting, all those issues that have troubled you and have been a big burden will be destroyed in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Some victories cannot come but by prayer and fasting. From the onset let me state that the victory is not in the prayer or the fasting. The victory is in the Name that is lifted up on high when we pray and fast. When we fast in the Name of Jesus, the Name of The Almighty God – Our Father and in the Name of the Holy Spirit, we are sure of open heavens.
Throughout the Bible, we notice that the men and women of faith were also people who prayed and who took time to fast. Friend, in this month, combine prayer and fasting. Let this time be a glorious time of intimacy with God. Remember that at the beginning of the year God promised us that this year; we will recover many things that have previously escaped our grasp. Friend, look at Daniel, he ate no delicacies, and neither meat nor wine entered his mouth. For good three weeks he did not anoint himself at all (Daniel 10:3). The result was that angels fought on his behalf. As you fast, may Almighty God release angels in the heavenlies and on the earth realm for your sake in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. May answers to prayers come forth in this time of prayer and fasting in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
As you pray and fast this month, consider the Prophet Ezra. We read that Ezra led the whole congregation of Israel in prayer and fasting. Ezra 8:23 reads, "So we fasted and besought our God for this and he listened to our entreaty." Friend, as you pray and fast this month, God will hear your cry and He will answer you. Before starting His ministry Jesus fasted forty days and forty nights. It is recorded in Matthew 4:2 talking of Jesus, "And He fasted forty days and forty nights, and afterward He was hungry." I pray that as you pray and fast this month, your ministry will be birthed forth, you will receive divine instructions for the plans that you have and the Almighty God will anoint you for the new thing He has in store for you in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
Friend, remember that as Jesus was fasting, the devil came to Him with a desire to tempt Him, but Jesus overcame him by the Word of God. I pray that in this time of prayer and fasting, you will overcome every temptation in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. I pray that as we fast, every scheme of the wicked shall be destroyed in Jesus Powerful Name, Amen. Every witchcraft, sorcery, or schemes of the deceiver in your life, family, ministry and work place shall be destroyed in Jesus Powerful Name, Amen. I decree that all those related to you in one way or another are loosed from the strategies and strongholds of the devil in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Friend, as you fast, you are loudly declaring that your allegiance is to God and you are giving glory to Jesus Christ, His Son; may the Holy Spirit empower you till the end in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
 Never forget, fasting is not a burdensome activity. Do not legalize it. You may fast for 3 days, 7 days, 21 days or even the whole month. You may also want to have a dry fast, a fluids only fast or fast one or two meals each day. Let the whole fasting experience be a joyful time. Ask God to guide you. He will speak to you by His Spirit on what you need to do. Whatever He tells you to do, do it! Remember, there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus. Take this time as a time to (1) To be intimate with God; (2) A time to receive divine directions from God; (3) A time to thank God for what He has done, is doing and all that He is yet to do; (4) A time to ask Him for His Glory! Remember Moses asked Him, “show me your glory”; ( 5) Ask Him for souls to be saved (Family members, neighborhoods, cities, nations, continents); (6) Ask God to keep us and strengthen us and finally, (7) Ask Him to reveal His desires to you so that you can pray that your desires will correspond to His desires in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. 
I also pray that The Almighty God will strengthen you each and every day of this month as you fast. I pray that you and all that is yours will be protected by the precious blood of Jesus. I pray that God will anoint you with fresh oil in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. I pray that God grants you His Wisdom this month as you wait on Him in Jesus Great Name, Amen.
Finally, I recommend that you try to get a friend, a family member, a Bible group or even the whole church to agree and fast along with you.
Friend, remember this promise from God "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
Be blessed as you wait upon the Lord,
Bro. Chester