Torchbearers for Christ
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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A Month of Revival


Friend, praise the LORD! I pray that you are well kept of the Lord. God continues to prove Himself faithful to my wife and I. We bless Him each day and are forever grateful for His love and guidance that never fails.


This month we set it aside as A Month of Revival.


The Bible states in Isaiah 55:1 “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost

Personal Revival

Friend, the term revival means to rekindle. It means to revive as in starting a fire that had been quenched. It is important to note that individual revival starts by a hunger and thirst for the move of God. The Bible says Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters – God desires that each of us experience a revival. Collective revival starts with an individual and it is my prayer that your desire will be to encounter true revival this season in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


Revival should be looked at in the following manner:-

  • Revival is not just a collection of church activities, it is not just a time to listen to sermons; it is a time of experiencing glorious encounters of divine visitation.
  • Revival is a time when everyone examines themselves and evaluates their standing in God. This means that it is a time of great repentance.
  • Revival is a time of fervent genuine prayer and fasting.
  • Revival is a time where we commit to holiness and righteousness.
  • Revival is a time of expectation of the move of God. He can do anything that He desires – miracles, salvation, deliverance, uncommon miracles etc.

Friend, get ready for a season of revival. Be prepared to see God’s visitation like never before in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


God is no respecter of times or places


In the US we had the Azuza street revival, In Wales, we had the Welsh revival, and we have continued to see the outpouring of the fire of God all over the world and in different times. God is no respecter of places and times. What God did in Wales, He can do for today. I pray that this season, you will have an encounter of God’s visitation in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


Families, Cities, Regions, Nations – Revival has come!


When true revival comes, whole families, whole cities, regions and even nations are gripped by the fire of God and a wave of repentance and acceptance of God flows throughout. Friend, this is my prayer that you will encounter revival in Jesus Mighty name, Amen.


Pray that God would quench your thirsty heart; remind Him of His promise to pour water on thirsty ground. I see families being revived. I see our prayer life changed. I see cities turning to God and whole regions changing from ungodly ways and running after God in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


Any territorial forces that are holding you, your city, your region or your nation down – I destroy them now in Jesus Mighty Name and declare that Christ is enthroned as Lord in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


Acts 1:8 declares… “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you…”  In this month as you step into a season of revival, may you receive power from on-high and may you get joy in a manner that you have never experienced before.


Friend, may this revival cause you to be revived for the glory of God and may your life never be the same again in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.

Pastor Chester