Torchbearers for Christ
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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A Month of Favor

Praise the Lord.
I believe that it is well with you and your household. My wife and I are well and grateful at what God continues to do, His goodness continues to amaze us. We thank and bless HIM for having brought you into our lives. We love you and pray that God continues to bless and keep you, Amen.
Friend, we started the year by declaring it to be a Year of Recovery!  Last month, we agreed that You are Next on Line. This Month we are declaring the month as a Month of Uncommon Favor in Jesus Faithful Name, Amen.
Friend, get ready to walk into uncommon FAVOUR.
You experience Favor when you receive excessive kindness or unfair partiality or when you are accorded preferential treatment. Favor does not need to be fair, logical, explainable or sequential. Favor can spring up when you least expect so Get ready!
The Bible says in Job 5:9 “He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.”  
Friend, get ready to experience wonders that cannot be understood. Do not try to understand what God is about to do in your life. What this means is that, these wonders will leave people wondering! They will be so unusual, very uncommon and quite extraordinary. Be expectant! In addition, get ready for miracles that cannot be counted! Those who try to keep count of them will be disappointed because before one is over, another will be taking place and God alone will receive all the glory. His favor over your life will cause all these things to happen. Praise the Lord!
Friend, may God’s favor pursue you in every area of your life in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. May the favor of God bring forth increase in everything that you touch in Jesus powerful Name, Amen. May God’s favor, like that which caused prison doors to open for Paul and Silas, cause uncommon doors to open for you in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Friend, favor will cause doors that were never meant to be open for you to swing wide open. Joseph’s door of promotion swung open even while he was still in jail. I decree that your doors of promotion, of authority and of influence are opening wide in Jesus powerful Name, Amen. I decree that uncommon favor which brings unexpected promotion and elevation is coming your way this month in Jesus faithful Name, Amen.
Friend, I love quoting this Bible verse, Psalm 5:2 “For surely, O LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” May His favor totally surround you and your household this month in Jesus Glorious Name, Amen. Friend, I pray that the kind of extraordinary favor that enables you to rise above your peers, be wiser than your enemies, have more understanding than the aged, and have more insights than all your teachers will is coming your way and that every hidden treasure that God has for you will manifest because of His favor in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
I decree that you will be engulfed in HIS favor this month in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
Yes, even in the midst of what seems as a loss, God will manifest His favor.
Remain blessed and highly favored,
Bro Chester