Torchbearers for Christ
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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A Month of Hope

Friends, praise the Lord! I know that God has kept you well up till now. We are almost at the end of the year 2010 but never forget that as He promised in January, this is your Year of Recovery and you will not miss out in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
My wife and I are well. We love hearing from you and are greatly blessed by your testimonies. We continue to covet and appreciate your prayers for us.  
This Month is A Month of Hope!
The Bible tells us that Abraham believed God and he did not stagger at God’s promises but was fully persuaded that God would do what He had promised (Hebrews 11:11-12). God indeed brought to pass every single one of those promises. When Joshua was about to die, he said…"Now I am about to go the way of all the earth. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed.” Joshua 23:14
This Month, your hope may have been dented in some ways; Your employer may have disappointed you; Your close friend or even family members may have let you down; Fellow believers may have failed on what they promised you; You may have given yourself some goals and as the year comes to an end, you feel a sense of failure because they remain unfulfilled. It may be that you lost a dear one through death or you may have suffered a business loss or even a loss related to your ministry; Let me give you good news, Jesus Christ is the “Situation Changer” and His track record is sure. He has never lost a battle. He will never loose one and your case is never over till God says so. Jesus Christ is Our Hope and He will revive, restore and resurrect every crushed dream, every dead vision, every stagnant goal and He will set you on a Rock to stay. He is Our Hope.
Friend, the enemy wants us to give up. He wants us to think that our circumstances are hopeless so that we end up with deferred hope BUT that is not true because in Jeremiah 32:27 God says, “Behold, I am God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me?" Luke, the Physician, who had seen God’s miraculous healing power concluded, “For with God, nothing is impossible”(Luke 1:37).
Yes, the year may be coming to an end, but friend, do not listen to the lies of that poor old devil. Cast out every thought that is a lie. God loves you, He cares about you, He will intervene in your situation, He will never let you down, He will provide for you and you will recover all in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
Father, thank you for your promises that never fail but which always come to pass in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Lord, help every one of not to ever lose hope but to continue to trust in you until the very end. We render powerless every thought that is contrary to your promises. We pull down and destroy every thought of suicide, depression, self-destruction, every satanic thought that wants us to give up and loose hope. We speak the mind of Christ and declare that our thoughts will be on things that are pure, lovely, peaceable and pleasing to you. Lord, you have promised that you will keep us in perfect peace if our mind is stayed on you; God, keep our minds stayed on you we pray in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
Lord, for those that are sick, help each one not to loose sight of the fact that You are  still the Chief Surgeon, The Great Healer, The Balm in Gilead and that You sent Your Word to bring Healing to us. In whichever area of our lives we have lost hope, Lord revive our hope and let us again be assured this month that You are our hope and the Rock of Ages.
Friend, God’s plan for your life, ministry and future will not be terminated; you will triumph in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Yes – Your expectation shall not be cut off in Jesus Faithful Name, Amen.  (Proverbs 23:18)
Have a hope-filled month,
Bro Chester