Torchbearers for Christ
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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A Month to Reject Fears


Friends, isn’t it amazing how time flies. To think that we have already entered the sixth month of the year 2012. I trust that God has kept you well and that as He promised in January, this is your Year to Arise, Pick up your mat and Walk. Friend, you will not miss that which God has ordained for you this year in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

God has place in my heart that this is A Month to Reject Fears.

In Isaiah 41:10 the Bible says...

"Fear not, for I Am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I AM your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with my right hand of rightness and justice."

The strategy of the enemy is simple, he wants to steal, to kill and to destroy you. He wants to steal your faith and fill your heart and mind with fear. He wants to send your way questions like...

"what happens when you loose your job?"
"what happens when the doctor gives you a bad report?"
"what happens if your house gets foreclosed?"
"will you have enough money upon retirement?"

These and many such questions are what the enemy brings our way in order to fill us with worry every single minute of your day.

To counter these thoughts, Jesus asks you a question...

"who of you by worrying and being anxious can add one unit of measure (cubit) to his stature or to the Span of his life" Matthew 6:27.

Coming back to our anchor text, Isaiah 41:10, God declares several things which I would like us to look at. God declares:-

Fear not

"Fear not" -God is saying ; reject fear. Friend, everything the enemy is clogging your mind with, every anxiety and worry I command them to be silenced in Jesus mighty name, amen. I decree that these worries and these anxious thoughts will not stand and they will not come to pass Jesus Name, Amen.

I Am with you

When the Father stands with you; no bully can come near you. No weapon that is released in your direction will be able to prosper in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. God declares He will stand with you, to protect you. He will be your strong tower to run into and saved. Hallelujah!!!!

Do not look around

"Do not look around in terror". Yes, the economy may be collapsing, the type of ailment that you have may be killing many BUT remember God says do not look around in terror. Do not forget that the floods that killed many during Noah’s time was were the same waters that lifted up the ark in which was him and his entire household. You are covered in Jesus Glorious Name, Amen.

Strengthen and Harden

God promises to strengthen and harden you against difficulties. Remember, the joy of the Lord is your strength. So, when God says that He will strengthen, He is saying that He will fill your heart with joy even in the midst of difficulties. He also declares that He will harden you, meaning that He will stabilize you. Any areas where fears have engulfed you, He will stabilize you. He will stabilize your health, your finances, your family, your ministry etc in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I will help you

What a glorious assurance! Friend, God’s help is timely. God’s help is sufficient, and does not come with strings attached. In fact Jesus says "cast your cares upon me". Friend, Jesus desires to take care of your health problems, He desires to handle your financial cares and even your spiritual cares. God says, I will care for you, I will help you.

Held up

What another blessed assurance. God declares that you will be held up! Friend, any forces desiring to hold you down, to oppress you, to limit you will be rendered powerless in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. He will hold you up. Glory to God!!!!


God declares that He will retain you by His right hand of righteousness. Friend, God will not send an angel or any saint, He will come personally to keep you. To retain you. When God retains you, no force of darkness can arise against you. Your help will be retained. Your strength will be retained. You stability will be retained. Any acts of unrighteousness towards you will be thwarted by the rightness and justice of God in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


Friend, fear not, the good Lord is with you. He will never leave you nor will He forsake you. God says "Fear not!"

Have a blessed, fear free month in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

Bro. Chester