Torchbearers for Christ
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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A Year of Progress; A Year of Acceleration!

Praise the Lord and Happy New Year to you and all your loved ones! I am confident that the Lord has kept you and your household. My wife and I are doing well and are very grateful to God for His goodness and faithfulness towards us. We are also thankful for your love and friendship. It is my prayer that this 2017 will be a memorable year for you as you progress and accelerate for good in Jesus Name, Amen.


Last year, was a “Year of Relocation”. In fact the number of relocations that took place were much more than I had expected. But that is our God. He is faithful. When He says it, He brings it to pass and no one can question Him. This Year, I see you progressing at an accelerated pace so Get ready!

Friend, God placed in my heart the following scripture:

“And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left”. (Isaiah 30:21)


Friend, this is your Year of Progress, Your Year of Acceleration!

Get ready for the following:

1.     Clarity in your Hearing!

“And your ears shall hear a word behind you…”

God is your Father! This year, His voice will become clearer and clearer. You will be able to recognize and identify His voice clearly. Get ready for your hearing to be sharpened. Jesus said – “My sheep hear my voice”. This year my friend, may God grant you discernment. May you be able to distinguish between the voice of God and that of a deceiver in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

Friend, I silence every noise that would want to distract you from hearing clearly that which God would want you to hear. We render every distraction powerless in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Friend, I root out everything in your life that creates noise and makes you miss out on what God wants you to hear.

Clarity of hearing is the beginning of progress and this can save you many years or stagnation and frustration.

2.     Clarity of direction! 

“…saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left””

God’s Global Positioning System (GPS) never misses direction. God is the creator of every path, of every route you desire to take in life. God is called the Alpha and the Omega; the First and the Last; the Author and Finisher of our faith. Nothing can catch God by surprise. Indeed, He knows all things before they ever take place. Therefore, He is the best Guide, the best Captain, the Best Shepherd of our lives. When you have the Best Guide, your progress is guaranteed. Your Acceleration can never be hindered because He who created time and speed is with you.

Friend, God never misleads. People may mislead others, bosses may misdirect their staff, presidents may misinform the populace but He is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother. Even if you walk in the valley of the shadow of death, He will be with you. This year, get ready for clear guidance on what way to take. I see joy in your life this year as things become clear. As you deliberate and ask should I do this or that? A voice will say…take this way. This will cause you to make decisions faster. This year, my prayer for you is that you will be able to see the way that God has for you in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Every way that God has not planned for you to walk in, may you not walk in it in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. I pray God to cut off from your life every ungodly counsel in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Every so-called friend, whose intention is only to drag you back and make you miss the direction of God – let them Go in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

Friend, the steps of the righteous are ordered by God. Not only will you hear His general guidance but also the specific actions that you need to take. You will know when to turn to the right and when to turn to the left. God will not leave you clueless this year. He will be with you to the very end.

3.     Enlargement of Territory 

When Joshua was about to die, he said…"Now I am about to go the way of all the earth. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed.” (Joshua 23:14).

Friend, as God leads you this year and as you obey, you can be assured that your end will be a glorious one. Your territory will be enlarged. Your tents will be stretched forth. You may have been underestimating what God can do through you, this year, get ready. God will use you to accomplish things that you never imagined. Your joy will be increased. You will conquer your fears. You will excel. God takes His people higher, never down and His plans are not for evil but for good. Your expectation will not be cut off in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

Friend, some may hear and choose not to obey. Disobedience will cause them to miss the way. May you and I choose to hear and faithfully obey His voice and we will eat the good of the land.

4.     Conclusion

Finally, Friend, I see you progressing spiritually, relationally, financially, professionally, socially, academically – yes in every sphere. I see progress and acceleration. I see you being more fruitful this year than any previous year. I see an end to every form of stagnation and frustration. I see increased accuracy in your endeavors this year. I see your face shinning. You will finish well in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I decree that like Obed Edom – may your blessing locate you this year. Like Naomi, may every past bitterness be replaced with present joy. Like Joseph, may that which anyone meant for evil be turned around for your good. Like Esther, may you receive an unexpected lifting/promotion that only God can give.

Friend, you are Progressing and Accelerating in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen! Have a blessed 2017 in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

Be blessed,

