Torchbearers for Christ
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Bible Characters


The Psalmist David said “I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (Psalms 119:11 NIV). God wants us to study His Word so we may know His ways and be able to distinguish between right and wrong.  One of the ways He uses to teach us His ways and how to walk with Him is through the characters in the Bible. He wants us to study these characters and learn from their mistakes and their victories. God does not want His children to be dishonest like Ananias and Sapphira but rather He wants us to be men and women of integrity like Joseph. God wants us to be people of faith like Abraham and worshippers like Job and David who trusted God even in the midst of trials. He desires that we be people of prayer like Daniel and Hannah.


There is so much to learn from the men and women of the Bible that is why at we have decided to take a closer look at Bible characters.  In studying these characters, we do not intend to follow any specific pattern so we will not present them in the order that they appear in the Bible or alphabetically. Also note that ours is by no means an in depth study of these characters we have simply highlighted some of their qualities and the lessons we can learn from them.  


Our prayer is that as you read our analysis of these characters, you will be encouraged and challenged to take a closer look at them yourself and perhaps you will discover other qualities that you will desire to have.


Be Blessed.