Torchbearers for Christ
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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A Month to Honor The Miracle Working God


Friend, what a privilege it is for us to enter into a brand new month, the month of June. We thank the Almighty God for keeping us from January up until now. He is indeed a faithful God. My wife and I are well and thank the Lord for His goodness in this land of the living.

This month, God has placed in my spirit that it will be unto us a Month to honor the Miracle Working God, the God who majors in reversing what man considers impossible.

In John 2:1 the Bible declares:

“… this beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth His glory; and his disciples believed on Him”.

Friend, God loves to manifest the miraculous so that His glory will be seen and people will believe. It is God’s desire to work through you. A miracle can be defined as an occurrence that is unexplainable. It is something that cannot be done by man but only by the living God.

The miracle in John 2 is the first recorded miracle of Jesus! It is recorded as the beginning of miracles that Jesus did. Let us examine this miracle and try to glean some truths that pertain to miracles.

In this miracle, we get to see several things that are characteristic of a miracle:

1.      Jesus told Mary “…my time has not yet come

Timing shall be defied so that you can receive your miracle. In other words, if you have been told that something is impossible because of age; get ready! Get ready! Get ready! Or have you been denied a job or promotion on grounds that you do not have the required years of experience then get ready because your miracle is in motion.


Jesus’ time had not yet come but a miracle was performed  This is your timing. Get ready to receive that which people have said it is not yet time for you to receive. A time defying miracle is coming your way in Jesus mighty name. Amen,


2.      Jesus used the water pots in the house………

Ordinary empty vessel , filled them with water, the water became wine!

God’s miracles will follow this same pattern. He will use ordinary people as long as we  

(a) empty ourselves: empty ourselves of pride; empty ourselves of self; empty ourselves of anything that is of our old selves and

(b) be filled with the Word!

-          Reject everything other than the Word!! – Fill yourself with Word! Meditate on it recite it: share it; believe it and stand on it!

And finally –
(c ) Wine is symbolic of the Holy Spirit:

We need to be led by this Spirit. The Bible says that as many as are led by the Spirit, they are the Sons of God! The Word in us will be the ingredient for the move of God in us that will cause the miraculous to take place in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen,


3.      The Master of Ceremonies exclaimed that the best had been brought out last; ……..Get ready; in this season of the miraculous, the best will come out: The glory of the latter will be greater than the former! Those who knew you before will not recognize you because God is taking you to higher heights.


4.      The miracle brought joy, it removed shame; it cast out embarrassment, and it brought completeness. Is there any area in your life where shame wants to creep in? Get ready for the Miracle Working God to intervene.


God is the same yesterday, today and forevermore! He still delights in bringing joy, laughter to those that are mourning! What a mighty God we serve!


5.      This miracle was done by Jesus behind the scene. It was just Him and the servants. It was done without fanfare and glamour! Get ready miracles will slide into your life without even you noticing them and all the glory will be unto God. Do not expect the miracle to be packaged in the way that people expect it to and from areas that are common; get ready for surprises! God will bring help from a direction you never imagined.


This month; as we honor the Miracle Working God, may all the miracles that are earmarked and packaged for you and will locate you in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen! Remember “For with God, nothing shall be impossible!”


Have a miraculous mouth.


Pastor Chester.