Torchbearers for Christ
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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2004 - A Year of Surprises

This is a year of uncommon Surprises. Expect to receive packages of Miracles that you never knew were coming your way. God is going to open the Windows of heaven and pour out Oceans of surprises!!! THE ONLY CATCH is OBEDIENCE. I declare that we shall be found in Him each and every day of our life. As I listened to what special direction He has for us, God gave me the verses below. Meditate on what God is saying to us and pray it in your life. The Truths contained herein will liberate you in this blessed 2004.

2004 Uncommon Strategic Prayers

Psalm 89: 20 to 29 Verse 20. I have found David My servant, with My holy oil have I anointed him. God is going to find us this year. Whatever has made us get lost in our own worlds I see God cut off everything that has made us be far from our LORD. Unhealthy relationships are being cut off and God is asking us for more time this year. Celebrate this year as some doors close because He wants you totally for Himself. I see Ministries being birthed as God releases a Fresh anointing, a sacred anointing. Get ready, new avenues, new approaches, new opportunities are springing forth. Shall you not see it? I decree that your spiritual eyes will behold all that God has for you in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Verse 21 With whom My hand shall be established, My arm also shall strengthen him. This is a year of establishment. God will destroy every nomadic spirits that want to encompass you. I see single men and women establishing homes. I see Ministries established. I see those seeking Immigration papers, Visas etc receive them and enjoy their establishment. This is the doing of the Lord therefore no one can contend with this in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I see Wayward Children receive an established spirit in Jesus mighty Name, Amen.It is a Year that we are going to walk in supernatural strength. The Lord Himself is going to strengthen us. The joy of the Lord is our strength. I see us receiving an abundance of the joy of the Lord this year. I see strength for ministry, strength on the job, strength for service. BUT ALSO. STRENGTH TO DEMOLISH THE WORKS OF THE ENEMY. The devil and his co-horts will suffer their worst casualties since the time of Jesus in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Verse 22 The enemy shall not outwit him, nor shall the wicked afflict him. God is releasing in this year uncommon prayers in our spirits, prayers that will make us outwit the devil. These will be specific, targeted and powerful, result achieving prayers. I see The Almighty God do this in your life in Jesus Mighty Name Amen. Every affliction of whatever nature is going to be destroyed this year in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

Your days of affliction are over.

I see a reversal of all that the wicked ones planned in secret. God says He catches the crafty in their own craftiness and makes their hands achieve nothing of lasting worth. N/B. Please read the remainder of the verses. This year is a year of surprises.


Father in heaven, We love You. You have been good to us and we have seen your hand all the days of our lives and more specifically in the year 2003. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We enthrone You God as Lord over our lives and all that we have. Father, God Almighty, this 2004, Open the unique double sided doors. God open our eyes to see You in all that we will accomplish this year. Bring forth divine appointments, divine connections, divine favors etc Father, in advance we thank You for demolishing every dead covenants in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. May HE enlarge you, increase your boarders, and SURPRISE you in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Be expectant.

Have a surpriseFULL new year.