Torchbearers for Christ
Friday, October 18, 2024
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Seasons of Refreshing


Praise the LORD! I know you are blessed and well-kept of the LORD. HE remains faithful to my wife and I. It is amazing quickly the year is drawing to a close but I declare that your expectation concerning this year will not be cut off in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!

This Month, be prepared to experience SEASONS OF REFRESHING.

When one is weary, tired and extremely exhausted and especially if it is a sunny day, all that you want to do is to have a cold drink. At such times, a glass of cold water is always a blessing. I hear in the Spirit that God desires to refresh you. In the Book of Jeremiah verse 31:25, we read the following; “For I will satisfy the weary ones and refresh everyone who languishes."

Get ready for God to refresh you! Are you weary and heavy laden? Do you feel like a yoke is over you? Are you tired? Do you feel exhausted or anxious? I have news for you, Get ready, The Lord is going to refresh you in an uncommon way this month in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


What does it mean to refresh? What are you to expect when the Bible says that you will be refreshed?

The term refresh is a compound word consisting of two parts; “re” and “fresh”. Whenever the term “re” is used, it means “return back”. For instance, “re-pent” means to return back to the “pent” or top. Therefore the term “re-fresh” is defined in the dictionary as: - To give new freshness; to give new brightness, to restore, to make cool, moist or freshen up. It means to fill again, to replenish. Friend, this is your season of refreshing. I see God restoring you one more time. I see God giving you a new freshness, a new brightness, you are being replenished in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. You will not languish again in Jesus Mighty Name. God says, “For I will satisfy the weary ones and refresh everyone who languishes.”

No More Stagnation

To languish on the other hand is to be forced to stay in a place for a long time. Plainly put, it is “stagnation”. The dictionary defines languishing as lack of vitality or strength; to grow weak or being forced to remain in one state for a long time. This is not your portion because the Lord declares to you this day that you will languish no more in Jesus Mighty name, Amen. I come against every force that has been holding you in the same spot for long; every device of darkness programmed to cause you to remain stagnant in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Friend, I declare that the Master has propelled you into your destiny and you will receive your seasons of refreshing in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. You will receive all round freshness in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

Visions and Dreams

Friend, I see your spiritual life receiving freshness now, your health is being touched with freshness, your purpose is receiving freshness in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. The purpose of refreshing is for you to be reenergized. You will receive new strength as the Lord fills you with His joy in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Refreshing will bring clarity in your life. You will see visions, you will receive dreams, clear direction will be given to you and you will hear a voice behind you saying “this is the way walk ye in it”

Receive Seasons of Refreshing

Friend, should you have any sin in your life, “repent ye therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that so there may come seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord;” Acts 3:19 (ASV). Enjoy these Seasons of Refreshing from the presence of God in Jesus’ Great and Faithful Name, Amen. 

Pastor Chester