Torchbearers for Christ
Tuesday, May 07, 2024
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An Inordinate Request

“And He said unto them, ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for who it is prepared.” (Matthew 20:23 KJV) 

Jesus had just finished telling His disciples that He would be betrayed to the Chief priests and scribes, condemned, delivered to the gentiles and crucified but on the third day He would rise again. Not long after this, along comes the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee. The Bible says she worshipped Jesus and then asked Him to let one of her sons sit on His left and the other on His right in His kingdom. 

Curiously, Jesus did not direct His response to the mother who had made the request but to the sons. It is as if Jesus knew that this was really their desire and not their mother’s and that they had asked her to make the request on their behalf. Jesus reproved them saying “Ye know not what ye ask” (Matthew 20:22). He then asked them whether they were able to “drink of the cup” that He would drink and be “baptized with the baptism” that He would be baptized. In other words, will they be able endure suffering and affliction similar to that which He must go through. The brothers answered that they could (Matthew 20:22). Christ then tells them that they shall indeed suffer but as to the positions they desire, they were not His to give but would be given to those for whom they were ordained or prepared by His Father.

 James and John had not yet come to the understanding that the kingdom Jesus speaks of is not an earthly kingdom with pomp and power but a spiritual kingdom whose rules are the opposite of the kingdoms of the world. For example, while the princes of this world exercise power and dominion over their subjects (Matthew 20:25), Jesus says “He that will be great among you, that will be chief, let Him be your minister, your servant”. (Matthew 20:26-27).

Many people today seek position, power and prestige and some are ready to kill to get it. Unfortunately, this same spirit has crept into the Church. Many Believers fight to be made ministers, deacons, elders, etc., but we are not to fight for positions because He who is the giver of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17) will promote us in His own time. We must never forget that what He has ordained, no man can take away. God ordained Joseph for greatness and even though His brothers tried to kill him so he would not come into his destiny, they failed. God ordained David to be king of Israel and nothing that Saul did could stop that from coming to pass.  In our work place, let us set the example. May we not be seen to strive and undermine others in order to be promoted. Instead, let us stand on the Word of God that says “No one from the east or the west or from the desert can exalt a man. But it is God who judges: He brings one down, He exalts another.” (Psalm 75:6 NIV).  

Let us not look to man for promotion but look to the promotion that God has prepared for us. Amen.


Lord Jesus, we worship you and praise you not just for the things that you have done but for who you are. Thank you for your Word that is rich and full of wisdom. Lord, help us to be like you. Remove every spirit of selfish pursuit that does not glorify you. Rather than looking to man to promote us, cause us to look to you for our promotion and elevation in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.