Torchbearers for Christ
Monday, May 06, 2024
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“And Simon answered and said unto Him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.”  (Luke 5:5KJV)


The Bible tells us that the multitude were so hungry to hear the Word of God that they pressed against Jesus. Being by the lake and seeing two boats, Jesus stepped into one of them and asked the owner, Simon Peter, to push the boat a little from the shore and He sat down and taught the people from inside the boat. When Jesus finished teaching, he turned to Simon Peter and told him to move into deeper waters and cast his net for a big catch of fish.


Peter and the other fishermen had been trying to catch fish all night with no success. Nevertheless, Peter obeyed Jesus’ instruction and just as He said, they caught so much fish that their nets broke and they had to call on their partners in the other boat to help them. The Bible says both boats were filled with fish.


Friend, according to the Bible, Peter and the other fishermen had toiled, that is, they had laboured, all night. The word toil connotes hard or exhausting work, to labor, to struggle. It also implies that they had grown weary and tired. But when Jesus came on the scene the toiling ceased. His Word and the obedience of Peter was all that was needed and there was a mighty yield. You see, without Jesus, we will toil, labour and struggle and there will be no yield, no harvest and no results. Jesus is the only one that has the strategy, the plan, that we need for whatever we have to accomplish. Note that Peter and his partners were experienced fishermen yet they caught no fish. They needed Jesus to give them direction. So you may be experienced in what you do but until you allow the Master to show you the way and direct you it will be nothing but toiling.


The Amplified Bible says “The blessings of the Lord it makes rich, and He adds no sorrow with it neither does toiling increase it.” (Proverbs 10:22 TAB). The Word of God also tells us that the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord (Psalm 37:23). In other words, when we allow God to take His rightful place and direct us there will be no toiling or struggling because He who knows all things will reveal to us the strategy, the direction, that we need to accomplish every task with ease and with the assurance of success.   


Today, like Peter, may we receive the Master’s instruction(s) so that the toiling, labouring and struggling in our lives may cease. 



Lord, whatever You say is true and that is why I can rely on You. Help me to be like Peter who obeyed Your Word and cast the net just as You said. Lord, I am tired of toiling and labouring without any results. I know it is only in You that my toiling will cease. Today, I purpose to say yes to Your will and to Your way so that the toiling and struggling in my life may cease. Thank you for answering this prayer in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.

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