Torchbearers for Christ
Monday, May 06, 2024
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For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He even gave up His only begotten (unique) Son so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life (John 3:16 AMP).


With just two weeks left to Christmas, the departmental stores are busy with people running back and forth to finish buying gifts before it’s too late. Unfortunately, the majority of these people do not know the true meaning of Christmas. It is simply a time to exchange gifts with friends and loved ones, to make merry and to eat and drink excessively. No sooner is the Christmas season over and the feeling of depression, hopelessness and fear they had prior to Christmas returns. To them, the joy and celebration of Christmas is transient because they do not know the reason for the season. But how can you celebrate a birthday in the absence of the celebrant? Friend, Jesus is the celebrant. Christmas is all about Jesus. You may ask, what does Jesus have to do with Christmas?


God saw the fallen nature of man which came as a result of the disobedience of Adam. He realized that there was nothing that could be done to deliver us from our condition. The Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). All mankind was heading towards death and hell and there was only one way out. God saw that we needed a Savior. We needed one who would come and take our place. One who would take upon Himself our sin and guilt and bear the punishment we so truly deserve. So God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, as a gift to mankind and left it to us to either receive Him and have eternal (everlasting) life or reject Him and suffer the penalty which is eternal damnation.  


Friend, the birth of Jesus, His arrival on earth is what we celebrate at Christmas. It is a special time of the year. For those of us who know Jesus, it is a time to thank Him for what He has done for us and to reflect on our walk with Him. Is He still the centre of our lives or have we too allowed the festivity to get the better of us and take our focus off Him?


For those who do not know Him, either because you have never heard the gospel story told or because you have never thought it necessary to receive Him into your life, why not accept God’s gift that He freely offers to you today. Get to know the true reason for the season so that He may be with you all year round and you can celebrate His goodness at all times. Take the time to understand the true meaning of Christmas. Let the joy and the peace that only He can give come into your life. Get to know this Savior and I guarantee you that you will not regret it.




Oh God, thank you that you so loved us and know what is best for us. Thank you for the wonderful Christmas gift, our Savior Jesus Christ. As we celebrate this Christmas season, may we forever remember it is not about us and our family and friends but it is all about Jesus. May He forever remain our focus in and out of the Christmas season. We love you today and always. Amen and Amen.

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