Torchbearers for Christ
Monday, May 06, 2024
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God’s got the Strategy

Children of God are faced with troubles day in day out. If its not at the work place, its at home; if its not with the children, it the spouse or the finances. The enemy is determined to trouble God’s children and if possible destroy them. His plan is to get us so worked up and preoccupied with our problems that we have no time to pray, to praise or worship our God. This has been his “modus operandi” since time immemorial .

Children of God are faced with troubles day in day out. If its not at the work place, its at home; if its not with the children, it the spouse or the finances. The enemy is determined to trouble God’s children and if possible destroy them. His plan is to get us so worked up and preoccupied with our problems that we have no time to pray, to praise or worship our God. This has been his “modus operandi” since time immemorial .
But thank God that we serve a God who knows the end from the beginning and who can and will outwit the enemy for our sake. Our God is so merciful and will always provide His children with a way of escape. He has the strategy to escape the plot, the snare, the trap, the pit, the scheme of the enemy. But unless we ask Him we will not know the way He has provided. He has promised that if we call, He will answer (Jeremiah 33:3).
Throughout the Bible, we see the Lord coming to the rescue of His children. That is exactly what He did in 2 Chronicles 20:1-30 when the Moabites and the Ammonites and some of the Meunnites came against the people of Judah. The Bible says that Jehoshaphat and all the people of Judah called on the Lord God and He answered and told them not to be afraid that He would fight their battle. He gave them instructions which they followed and they defeated their enemies just as He had promised.
Again in Joshua 6:1-20, God gave Joshua instructions on how they were to capture Jericho and it happened just as He said. No one but God could have had such wisdom but He is such a loving and caring God that He is willing to share it with His children so that the enemy will not get the better of us.
Friend, if you need a way of escape, call on Him and watch Him make a way where there seems to be no way.
Prayer: Lord, we thank you that you reveal to your children the schemes of the enemy. We thank you for always providing a way of escape for us. Help us to always remember that you have the answer and that we need only call and you will answer. Thank you for being an Answering God. Amen and Amen.